World Book Day

When taking my obligatory World Book Day photo’s I realised that I had sewn more in Feb than I remembered (I told the Stashbusting group that I’d bought lots and sewn little. The former is still true though).


This dress for instance (and yes it is a dress, though the bottom portion is mainly hidden, I couldn’t be bothered making a t shirt when she hasn’t worn one in months). Not my first choice of fabric for her (bought for me in fact, still a little left though) but the most “Astridey” that I had. By the way, Astrid is a character in the film/tv How to Train Your Dragon. The Girl is reading her way through the books at the moment, but they have very few female characters and her friend assured her there is a book of the film with Astrid in so it ticks the World Book Day box (and seriously, my kids read enough, I promise, we have more problems getting them to stop reading in order to eat etc).  Anyway, I made a very simple dress as apparently none of her current clothes would do (she kind of had a point, butterfly prints aren’t very “viking”) using the same pattern I used last summer. Two pieces, a bit of shirring, bam, you’re done. Shame I forgot the neck is very wide and low, need to fix that  should I make it again.


And the skirt, made in some horrid velour finish denim that I unadvisedly bought online thinking it was something different. Looks usefully a bit leather like though. The skirt is lined with black scraps after it was declared “too gappy”.  It was going to have some studs added (like the very simple selvage headband, but  a bigger size) but I ran out of time and energy. The outfit was originally made for her birthday party and after hubby and I had  made simple drawstring viking style party bags with it (using ribbon and a pony bead to close them, you can just see hers attached to the special loop on her waistband) this stuff was about all gone. Yay. Shame I bought purple too.

If the shoulder armour looks familiar it’s because I used the free pdf pattern from Falafel and the Bee, thanks guys! I got each set out of 1 A4 piece of craft foam, punching holes with my trusty hole punch and using a butterly clip to fasten them and gaffer taping safety pins on the back for fixing. Sheild painting was a party activity, I’m pretty impressed  with hers!


The Boy, on the other hand, made his outfit all by himself, turning a waistcoat back to front, utilising his skateboard pads, adding logos and generally using lots of masking tape. (Including to hold the tin foil onto his shoe to mimic a rudimentary metal prosthetic foot).


Oh, except for the grieves, which were prototypes for the Girls and are laced with elastic for ease of getting on/off. (A smidge more of the dreaded fabric gone).  I didn’t make the complicated dagger and sheath affair though.


And it’s all over for another year. I wonder what we’ll end up doing next year?

(I can’t find a photo of my favourite, the Nooks with Books on Hooks, so I’ll leave you with these random robots from our first ever participation in world book day)